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Handy Moment.js filters for your Vue.js project


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Handy Moment.js filters for your Vue.js project.


Install via NPM...

$ npm install vue-moment

...and require the plugin like so:



Simply set moment as the filtering function and you're good to go. At least one argument is expected, which the filter assumes to be a format string if the argument doesn't match any of the other filtering methods.

<span>{{ someDate | moment("dddd, MMMM Do YYYY") }}</span>
<!-- or create a new date from 'now' -->
<span>{{ new Date() | moment("dddd, MMMM Do YYYY") }}</span>

Passing Your Date

Moment.js expects your input to be either: a valid ISO 8601 formatted string (see, a valid Date object, a Unix timestamp (in seconds or milliseconds, passed as a Number), or a date string with an accompanying format pattern (i.e. when you know the format of the date input). For the latter, vue-moment allows you to pass your date and format pattern(s) as an array, like such:

<span>{{ [ someDate, "MM.DD.YY" ] | moment("dddd, MMMM Do YYYY") }}</span>
<!-- or when you want to parse against more than one pattern -->
<span>{{ [ someDate, ["MM.DD.YY", "MM-DD-YY", "MM-DD-YYYY"] ] | moment("dddd, MMMM Do YYYY") }}</span>

As of 3.0.0, passing an empty or invalid input will no longer initiate moment with a new Date object fallback.

Filtering Methods

format (default)

This is the default filtering option. Formats the date against a string of tokens. See for a list of tokens and examples.


<span>{{ someDate | moment("YYYY") }}</span>
<!-- e.g. "2010" -->
<span>{{ someDate | moment("ddd, hA") }}</span>
<!-- e.g. "Sun, 3PM" -->
<span>{{ someDate | moment("dddd, MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a") }}</span>
<!-- e.g. "Sunday, February 14th 2010, 3:25:50 pm" -->

For more information about moment#format, check out


Display a Moment in relative time, either from now or from a specified date.

Default (calculates from current time)

<span>{{ someDate | moment("from", "now") }}</span>
<!-- or shorthanded -->
<span>{{ someDate | moment("from") }}</span>

With a reference time given

<span>{{ someDate | moment("from", "Jan. 11th, 1985") }}</span>

With suffix hidden (e.g. '4 days ago' -> '4 days')

<span>{{ someDate | moment("from", "now", true) }}</span>
<!-- or -->
<span>{{ someDate | moment("from", true) }}</span>
<!-- or with a reference time -->
<span>{{ someDate | moment("from", "Jan. 11th, 2000", true) }}</span>

For more information about moment#fromNow and moment#from, check out and


Formats a date with different strings depending on how close to a certain date (today by default) the date is. You can also pass a reference date and options.

Default (calculates from current time)

<span>{{ someDate | moment("calendar") }}</span>
<!-- e.g. "Last Monday 2:30 AM" -->

With a reference time given

<span>{{ someDate | moment("calendar", "July 10 2011") }}</span>
<!-- e.g. "7/10/2011" -->

With options

<span>{{ new Date() | moment('add', '6 days', 'calendar', null, { nextWeek: '[Happens in a week]' }) }}</span>
<!-- "Happens in a week" -->

For more information about moment#calendar, check out


Mutates the original Moment by adding time.

<span>{{ someDate | moment("add", "7 days") }}</span>
<!-- or with multiple keys -->
<span>{{ someDate | moment("add", "1 year, 3 months, 30 weeks, 10 days") }}</span>

For more information about moment#add, check out


Works the same as add, but mutates the original moment by subtracting time.

<span>{{ someDate | moment("subtract", "3 hours") }}</span>

For more information about moment#subtract, check out


Convert the date to a certain timezone

<span>{{ date | moment('timezone', 'America/Los_Angeles', 'LLLL ss')}}</span>

To use this filter you will need to pass moment-timezone through to the plugin

// main.js
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueMoment from 'vue-moment'
import moment from 'moment-timezone'

Vue.use(VueMoment, {

For more information about moment#timezone, check out


There's some built-in (and not thoroughly tested) support for chaining, like so:

<span>{{ someDate | moment("add", "2 years, 8 days", "subtract", "3 hours", "ddd, hA") }}</span>

This would add 2 years and 8 months to the date, then subtract 3 hours, then format the resulting date.


vue-moment also provides a duration filter that leverages Moment's ability to parse, manipulate and display durations of time. Durations should be passed as either: a String of a valid ISO 8601 formatted duration, a Number of milliseconds, an Array containing a number and unit of measurement (for passing a number other than milliseconds), or an Object of values (for when multiple different units of measurement are needed).

<span>{{ 3600000 | duration('humanize') }}</span>
<!-- "an hour" -->
<span>{{ 'PT1800S' | duration('humanize') }}</span>
<!-- "30 minutes" -->
<span>{{ [35, 'days'] | duration('humanize', true) }}</span>
<!-- "in a month" -->

This filter is purely a pass-through proxy to moment.duration methods, so pretty much all the functions outlined in their docs are callable.

<span>{{ [-1, 'minutes'] | duration('humanize', true) }}</span>
<!-- "a minute ago" -->
<span>{{ { days: 10, months: 1 } | duration('asDays') }}</span>
<!-- "40" -->
<span>{{ 'P3D' | duration('as', 'hours') }}</span>
<!-- "72" -->

For manipulating a duration by either subtraction or addition, first use the relevant filter option, then chain your duration display filter.

<span>{{ [1, 'minutes'] | duration('subtract', 120000) | duration('humanize', true) }}</span>
<!-- "a minute ago" -->
<span>{{ [-10, 'minutes'] | duration('add', 'PT11M') | duration('humanize', true) }}</span>
<!-- "in a minute" -->
<span>{{ [2, 'years'] | duration('add', 1, 'year') | duration('humanize') }}</span>
<!-- "3 years" -->

duration is for contextless lengths of time; for comparing 2 dates, use the diff method rather than hacking around with Moment durations. For more information about moment#duration, check out


vue-moment should respect any global Moment customizations, including i18n locales. For more info, check out

You can also pass a custom Moment object through with the plugin options. This technique is especially useful for overcoming the browserify locale bug demonstrated in the docs

const moment = require('moment')

Vue.use(require('vue-moment'), {

console.log(Vue.moment().locale()) //es


vue-moment attaches the momentjs instance to your Vue app as this.$moment.

This allows you to call the static methods momentjs provides.

If you're using i18n, it allows you to change the locale globally by calling this.$moment.locale(myNewLocale)