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Internationalization (i18n) for Next.js


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Internationalization (i18n) for Next.js


Internationalization (i18n) is an essential part of the user experience, therefore next-intl gives you all the parts you need to get language nuances right.

  • 🌟 ICU message syntax: Localize your messages with interpolation, cardinal & ordinal plurals, enum-based label selection and rich text.
  • 📅 Dates, times & numbers: Apply appropriate formatting without worrying about server/client differences like time zones.
  • Type-safe: Speed up development with autocompletion for message keys and catch typos early with compile-time checks.
  • 💡 Hooks-based API: Learn a single API that can be used across your code base to turn translations into plain strings or rich text.
  • 🚀 Next.js-native and performance-obsessed: App Router, Server Components, static rendering—pick the right tool for the right job, next-intl works everywhere.
  • ⚔️ Internationalized routing: Provide unique pathnames per language and optionally localize pathnames for search engine optimization.

What does it look like?

// UserProfile.tsx
import {useTranslations} from 'next-intl';

export default function UserProfile({user}) {
  const t = useTranslations('UserProfile');

  return (
      <h1>{t('title', {firstName: user.firstName})}</h1>
      <p>{t('membership', {memberSince: user.memberSince})}</p>
      <p>{t('followers', {count: user.numFollowers})}</p>
// en.json
  "UserProfile": {
    "title": "{firstName}'s profile",
    "membership": "Member since {memberSince, date, short}",
    "followers": "{count, plural, ↵
                    =0 {No followers yet} ↵
                    =1 {One follower} ↵
                    other {# followers} ↵

→ Read the docs

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