A gulp plugin for the esbuild bundler.
There are two exports available: gulpEsbuild
and createGulpEsbuild
. In most cases you should use the gulpEsbuild
export. Use the createGuipEsbuild
export if you want to enable the esbuild's incremental build.
The esbuild's incremental build is used with the gulp's watching files API and allows you to rebuild only changed parts of code (example);
const {createGulpEsbuild} = require('gulp-esbuild')
const gulpEsbuild = createGulpEsbuild({
incremental: true, // enables the esbuild's incremental build
Esbuild doesn't fully support working with the virtual files which gulp send when you use: src(...).pipe(gulpEsbuild(...))
We found workaround using some tricks, but one limitation still remains. Every file you send via src(...)
must exist in the file system.
Its contents are not important, since they will be taken from the virtual file. But existence in the file system is required.
npm install gulp-esbuild esbuild
yarn add gulp-esbuild esbuild
const {
} = require('gulp')
const gulpEsbuild = require('gulp-esbuild')
function build() {
return src('./index.tsx')
outfile: 'bundle.js',
bundle: true,
loader: {
'.tsx': 'tsx',
exports.build = build
"scripts": {
"build": "gulp build"
command line
npm run build
const {
} = require('gulp')
const {createGulpEsbuild} = require('gulp-esbuild')
const gulpEsbuild = createGulpEsbuild({ incremental: true })
function build() {
return src('./src/index.js')
outfile: 'outfile.js',
bundle: true,
function watchTask() {
watch('./src/index.js', build)
exports.watch = watchTask
"scripts": {
"watch": "gulp watch"
command line
npm run watch
More examples here
Name | Type | Default |
sourcemap | boolean|'linked'|'inline'|'external'|'both' | |
sourceRoot | string | |
sourcesContent | boolean | |
legalComments | 'none'|'inline'|'eof'|'linked'|'external' | |
format | 'iife'|'cjs'|'esm' | |
globalName | string | |
target | string | |
supported | object | |
mangleProps | RegExp | |
reserveProps | RegExp | |
mangleQuoted | boolean | |
mangleCache | object | |
drop | 'console'|'debugger' | |
dropLabels | array | |
minify | boolean | |
minifyWhitespace | boolean | |
minifyIdentifiers | boolean | |
minifySyntax | boolean | |
lineLimit | number | |
charset | 'ascii'|'utf8' | |
treeShaking | boolean | |
ignoreAnnotations | boolean | |
jsx | 'transform'|'preserve'|'automatic' | |
jsxFactory | string | |
jsxFragment | string | |
jsxImportSource | string | |
jsxDev | boolean | |
jsxSideEffects | boolean | |
define | object | |
pure | array | |
keepNames | boolean | |
banner | object | |
footer | object | |
color | boolean | |
logLevel | 'verbose'|'debug'|'info'|'warning'|'error'|'silent' | 'silent' |
logLimit | number | |
logOverride | object | |
tsconfigRaw | string |object | |
bundle | boolean | |
splitting | boolean | |
preserveSymlinks | boolean | |
outfile | string | |
metafile | boolean | |
metafileName | string | 'metafile.json' |
outdir | string | |
outbase | string | |
platform | 'browser'|'node'|'neutral' | |
external | array | |
packages | 'external' | |
alias | object | |
loader | object | |
resolveExtensions | array | |
mainFields | array | |
conditions | array | |
tsconfig | string | |
outExtension | object | |
publicPath | string | |
entryNames | string | |
chunkNames | string | |
assetNames | string | |
inject | array | |
plugins | array |